ZP15073Introduction to Geological Environmental Science (3)
An introduction to the geological sciences covering a wide variety of subjects: thecomposition and present state of our Earth's interior and crust, fossil records, tectonism and erosion in shaping landforms and influencing patterns of sedimentation, the Earth history.
ZP15074Geological Environmental Science Laboratory (1)
Laboratory works for identification of major rock-forming minerals and common rocks of various types such as igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Visual presentation for the better understandings of Earth's interior and surface processes using video equipments and computers. Field trip for the observation of rocks and tectonic features in adjacent regions.
ZD11198History of Earth (3)
Natural history of universe, earth, animals and plants, and human being is reviewed in introduction, and the origin, evolution, drift history, thermal history of the earth and life evolution will be discussed.
GY21453Mineralogy Laboratory (1)
Laboratory works for identification, classification, crystal structure and physiochemical properties of minerals.
GY21454Optical Mineralogy and Laboratory (3)
Preparation for the petrographic microscopy and recognition of commonminerals in thin section. Systematic study of rock forming minerals and their textures using petrographic microscope and refractometer.
GY21455Geochemistry Laboratory (1)
An introduction to the principle methods of geochemical analysis of rocks, soils and water. Laboratory works designed to solve a particular geochemical problem or question using the principles discussed in class.
GY21456Geophysics Laboratory (1)
Synopsis of vector analysis, Determinant and Matrix, Coordinates transformation,Legendre polynomials, Laplace equation, Fourier series, Fourier integrals, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, Wave equation, Associated Legendre polynomials, Bessel functions, Moving coordinates system.
GY21457Economic Mineral Deposits Laboratory (1)
Laboratory emphasizes identification of ore minerals, gangue minerals, common host rocks, wall-rock alteration and mineral zoning with introduction to the range and variety of metallic and on-metallic economic mineral deposits in Korea and visiting several mining sites around the Busan area. Classification of the petrologic and tectonic settings of mineral deposits and source, transport and depositional mechanisms of mineral deposit formation are discussed.
GY21458Hydrogeology Laboratory (1)
Measurement on porosity, permeability, grain size. Steady-state and transient flow analysis. Flow net analysis. Hydraulic test analysis using various aquifer models. Geostatistic analysis. Numeric groundwater flow modeling.
GY21459Sedimentary Environment (3)
Texture of sediments, sedimentary structure, transportation, deposition weathering of sediments, sandstones, mudstons, limestones, evaporites, volcanic sediments, chert, phosphorites.
GY21460Method of Geological Field Survey (3)
An introduction to geological field investigation and surveying techniques. Preparation of geologic maps, structure maps and sections. Through field trips students gain familiarity with the geological survey.
GY21461Environment and Mineral(3)
Mineralogical study on the behavior of minerals causing pollution and disease, and the effective methods to remove pollutant using minerals.
GY21462Sedimentary Environment Laboratory (1)
Study training of sedimentary structures, mechanical analysis, sedimentary tectonics, and specific depositional sedimentary environments.
GY21463Metamorphic Petrology Laboratory (3)
Classification and description of metamorphic rock specimen. Identification of mineral assemblages and textures in metamorphic rocks by use of polarizing microscope.
GY21464Geophysical Exploration Laboratory (1)
Practice of geophysical field methods, Geophysical equipments maintenance, Working with Interpretation and presentation softwares.
GY21465Environmental Geochemistry and Laboratory (3)
Analysis of geologic constraints upon human activity and the environmental consequences of such activity. Topics include hillslope processes, fluvial processes, earthquake and volcanic hazards, and environmental aspects of the development of water resources.
GY21466Environment and Mineral Laboratory (1)
Laboratory works on the identification, crystal structure and physiochemical properties of minerals causing pollution and disease, and the effective methods to remove pollutant using minerals.
GY21467Palaeomagnetism Laboratory(1)
Field work for paleomagnetic sampling, Lab work for remanent measurements and demagnetization experiments, Lab work for presentation of palaeomagnetic data. Paper reading.
GY22753Paleontology (3)
An introduction to the study of past animals and plants, designed to provide an understanding of ecology, morphology, evolution and systematics of fossils, and explain the life history.
GY22755Igneous Petrology (3)
Description, problems, and processes of igneous rocks. Emphasizing on the features that can be observed in the field, in hand specimen, and in thin section.
GY22756Igneous Petrology Laboratory (1)
Classification and description of igneous rock specimens. Identification of mineral assemblages and textures in igneous rocks by use of polarizing microscope.
GY22757Metamorphic Petrology (3)
Emphasizing on description, problems, and processes of metamorphic rocks. Properties and chemical behavior of metamorphic rocks. The metamorphic rock association.
GY22759Historical Geology (3)
Major aspects of the physical and biological history of our Earth. The historical development of theories about Earth history, a general model for interpreting the Earth's physical history and explaining the history of life.
GY22760Economic mineral deposit (3)
This subject is designed to understand the genesis and localization of ore deposits and of the minerals associated with them.It is to develop the combine the abilities of the explorationist and of the scholar of ore-forming precesses.
GY22763Isotope Geology (3)
Radiogenic isotopes as a petrogenetic indicators; isotopic evolution of Earth's major geochemical reservoirs; application to problems in igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary petrology; stable isotope geothermometry; nucleosynthesis, origin and chronology of solar system formation; U-Th disequilibrium series; short-lived cosmogenic nuclides.
GY22768 Environmental Geology (3)
The environmental impacts of natural surface processes of earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, glaciers, landslides, tsunamis, landuses, developments on human life, and their prediction, presenting each natural environment which is classified globally and basically. Groundwater pollution, waste disposal and medical environmental geochemistry examining between human activity and environmental systems.
GY22773Micropaleontology Laboratory (1)
Laboratory work stresses the techniques of sample treatment and slide preparation, and the observation of microfossils through light microscope.
GY22775Structural geology (3)
Structural geology is the study of the architecture of the earth's crust, its deformational features, and their mutual relations and origins.It deals with the shapes, arrangement, and interrelationships of bedrock units and the forces that cause them.
GY22778Stratigraphy (3)
Marine, nonmarine, mixed environments of deposition, and their sediments in earth history are systematically treated by means of nomenclature and classification, correlation, basin analysis, standard section, evolutionary theory of dinosaurs, faces analysis, gradualistic changes and events of catastrophism relating to plate tectonics and natural resources. Meteorite impacts from heavenly bodies are emphasized in life history
GY22779Earth Science (2)
The earth provides not only the mineral resources so basic to modern society, but is also the source of most of the ingredients necessary to support life.Earth Science is designed to understand how the earth works and is a broad and nonquantitative survey at the introductory level to understand our natural environment.
GY22780Geochemistry (3)
Thermodynamics; practical application of thermodynamic data to geologic problems. Crystal chemistry. Phase equlibria and phase diagrams. Aqueous geochemistry organic geochemistry. Systematics of radiometric dating. Stable isotope equlibria.
GY22786 Micropaleontology (3)
The course focuses on morphology, paleobiology, evolution of microfossils, and their time and space distributions for biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental reconstruction.
GY22793Geophysical Exploration (II) (3)
Electrical property of rocks, Self-potential method, Telluric and magnetotelluric methods, Resistivity methods, Electromagnetic methods, Induced polarization methods, Radioactivity methods, Well logging methods.
GY22799Geology of Energy Resources (3)
Learning of oilfield exploration of Korea, fossil fuel, nuclear fuel, natural energy concerned to alternative energy.
GY22805Engineering Geology (3)
Mechanical properties of rocks, rock classification, rock tests, exploration of rock conditions, geotechnical investigation for dam, tunnel, underground storage, and bridge construction, slope stability.
GY22806Volcanology (3)
Introduction to volcanic processes, emphasizing examples in the world. Volcanic products, landforms, hazards, prediction, and history. Relationship to tectonics. Nature and distribution of present and former volcanoes in the world.
GY22808Geophysical Exploration (I) (3)
Basic potential theory, Gravity methods, Basic geomagnetism, Magnetic methods, Basic elasticity, Basic wave theory, Seismic reflection methods, Seismic refraction methods, Basic geophysical data processing methods.
GY22811Mineralogy (3)
Introduction to mineralogy, including elementary crystallography(lattice types, external morphology, stereographic projection), elementary crystal physics(relationship of physical properties, including tensor properties to crystal symmetry), and elementary crystal chemistry(structures, bonding), especially of the silicates.
GY22819Geophysics (3)
Synopsis of plate tectonics, Seismology and interior of the Earth, Gravity and shape of the Earth, Flexures of lithosphere and viscosity of the mantle, Geochronology (Radioactive age-dating methods), Geothermics, Convection in the mantle, Thermal structure of the core and geodynamo, Characteristics of oceanic lithosphere, Characteristics of continental lithosphere.
GY22820Palaeomagnetism (3)
Introduction to geomagnetism, Ferromagnetic minerals, Origin of natural magnetism (NRM, TRM, CRM, DRM, PDRM, VRM, TVRM, IRM), Field and sampling methods, Laboratory methods (Measurement of remanent magnetization, Curie temperature determination, Coercivity spectrum analysis, etc.), Palaeomagnetic stability analysis (Demagnetization techniques, Field tests of stability, Stability index methods, etc.), Statistical treatments of palaeomagnetic data, Palaeomagnetic poles, Special topics in rock magnetism (Palaeointensity, Inclination error, Biomagnetism, Marine sediments, Magnetic anisotropy, Chemical remagnetization, Red-bed problem, etc.), Application of palaeomagnetic results (Geochronologic applications, Applications to continent reconstruction, Applications to regional tectonics, etc.).
GY22823Hydrogeology (3)
Occurrence, distribution, movement and theory of groundwater hydraulic tests and their analysis, groundwater chemistry and contamination, and groundwater development and management.
GY22826Geology and Mineral Deposits of Korea (3)
This course covers the basic knowledge on the ore deposits of Korea, such as the distribution, mode of occurrence, origin and characteristic features of various of ore deposits.
GY22827Industry Mineralogy (3)
Study on utilization and mineralogical properties of various industrial minerals.
GY22828Vertebrate Paleontology (3)
The origin, diversity and evolution of vertebrates from the fossil record concentrating on dinosaurology.
GY22829Geology of Natural Resources (3)
It provides to understand the human use of earth materials and important geologic resources of economic value-the nonrenewable resources of the planet Earth.It also concerns the factors that will control our efforts to solve Earth's mineral and related pollution problems.
GY30064Structural Geology Laboratory (1)
Use of clinometer (Measurement of strike, dip, lineation and foliation). Use of GPS and digital map. Measurement of joint and fracture. Use of rose diagram software. Methods of stereographic projection (Schmidt net, Wulff net)
GY39018Paleontology Laboratory (1)
Laboratory work emphasizes observation and description of fossil vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants in both biologic and stratigraphic series.